<drtails class="article Myclines layout-1">
Mycelines: A Sympoetic Imagination
A Myceline is a new form of digital textual existence inspired by the way how a mycelial network grows and interacts. It can be generated based on a word-in- context analysis of one piece or multi pieces of text. A shared word between two sentences has the potentiality to become a Node, so that new mycelines can grow out of it. It breaks the linear, one directional flow of the written language and demonstrates how interconnected our language is with a new visual representation and textual behaviours.
In Staying with the Trouble, Harraway suggested sympoiesis instead of autopoiesis for the Chthulucene, a “collective-producing systems that do not have self-defined spatial or temporal boundaries. Information and control are distributed among components. The systems are evolutionary and have the potential for surprising change.” If we focus ourselves to words and texts, this turn can be interpreted as auto-poetics to sym-poetics: to let the words weave and decide how they organise themselves spatially instead of following concrete pre-defined directions, to let the concepts and thoughts interact and merge into each other as the anastomosis in fungal networks.
Concorder = class newConcorderTester = Array(14) [ 0: "Myriad tentacles will be needed to tell the story …ing roots, reaching and climbing tendrilled ones." 1: "But like Latour and even more like Le Guin, one of…rs, Stengers is adamant about changing the story." 2: "That a symbiotic system — coral, with its watery w…bal transformation will come back into our story." 3: "And at the same time, every imaginable, and many u…e first and the last beautiful words and weapons." 4: "The story of Species Man as the agent of the Anthr…, only to end in tragic detumescence, once again." 5: "Coal and the steam engine did not determine the st…lizing” transformations shaping the Capitalocene." 6: "As a provocation, let me summarize my objections t… Anthropos is a setup, and the stories end badly." 7: "It is hard to tell a good story with such a bad actor." 8: "Bad actors need a story, but not the whole story." 9: "That is the story of History human exceptionalists tell." 10: "We need another figure, a thousand names of someth… the Anthropocene into another, big-enough story." 11: "All of these stories are a lure to proposing the C…rucial for ongoing, for staying with the trouble." 12: "The order is reknitted: human beings are with and … abiotic powers of this Earth are the main story." 13: "Diverse human and nonhuman players are necessary i…tissues of the urgently needed Chthulucene story." ]
carrierText = FileAttachment { name: "carrier@1.txt" mimeType: "text/plain" <prototype>: FileAttachment {} }
tentacularText = FileAttachment { name: "tentacular@1.txt" mimeType: "text/plain" <prototype>: FileAttachment {} }
rm = n { n: 3 root: n {children: Object, parent: null, token: "ROOT", count: 0, numChildren: -1} trace: undefined mlm: undefined logDuplicates: undefined maxAttempts: 999 disableInputChecks: undefined tokenize: ƒ() untokenize: ƒ() input: Array(0) [] <prototype>: n {} }
!/bin/bash # init: remove existing data and initialize new game-session create file to keep track of chosen members if [ ! -e ./.members ]; then touch ./.members else rm ./.members && touch ./.members fi # create moderation folder where to move emails # from `<mlmmj>/<list>/moderation` if [ ! -d ./moderation ]; then mkdir ./moderation else rm -rf ./moderation && mkdir ./moderation fi # delete .game-over mark rm -rf ./.game-over ct = await carrierText.text()
getAnalysis = ƒ(…) sharedContext = ƒ(a, b, c) test = Array(3) [ 0: "That is the story of History human exceptionalists tell." 1: "The order is reknitted: human beings are with and … abiotic powers of this Earth are the main story." 2: "Diverse human and nonhuman players are necessary i…tissues of the urgently needed Chthulucene story." ]
ctAnalysis = Object { ctAnalysis = Object { story: Array(22) human: Array(9) things: Array(8) hero: Array(10) bag: Array(9) oats: Array(8) telling: Array(7) container: Array(6) … more }
tAnalysis = Object { anthropocene: Array(30) human: Array(25) stories: Array(17) capitalocene: Array(17) gaia: Array(13) chthulucene: Array(15) story: Array(14) man: Array(12) called: Array(13) earth: Array(9) anthropos: Array(12) beings: Array(10) critters: Array(12) term: Array(10) history: Array(11)}
sortDict = ƒ(dict)
In this version, the text corpus is based on the content from Re-, Un-, Defining Tools.